Sunday, 29 April 2012

Death Of A Brain Cell

Posted by Unknown at Sunday, April 29, 2012 0 comments
Odd fact of the day.... I need to shape my eyebrows. What relevance is this to your life? Absolutely none but this is my blog and I can write what I want to.

In the last two months, I have started two books and hit a big, fat wall of reinforced concrete. Is this the phenomenon they call writer's block? If it is I have one thing to say. It sucks and not in a good way (wink, wink). Big Time.
Google image

I was in denial for a while as I tried to strike up a conversation with my imaginary friends and the computer monitor just flashed the cursor at the end of the extent of my writing that day- The . The entire time my overworked brain cried and flashed warning signs before finally giving up with with a drag queen's flare for over the top thoughts- commencing shut down in five, four, three, two, zero... (huh?)

Therefore I had to get my head out of the sand (and sand out of my ears) and acceptance followed. It was a bitter, slim covered pill to swallow.

But I refused to take it lying down, preferring to sit at the time, and came up with my plan to attack.

My solution: First, find a healthy snack to bring me to my happy place- chocolate (and yes chocolate is good for you or at least for me since it keeps me from biting anyone's head off and drinking their brains through a striped straw) and secondly, find something to keep my mind off this unfortunate turn of events. This is what I came up with.
  • Paint your toe nails. This plan will only work for females and a few select males.
  • Take a shower. We all know you been sitting in your filth for days hoping inspiration would strike. This is not an admission that I was sitting in filth... I, uh, have nothing else to say on the matter....
  • Read something completely unrelated to the genre you write. 
  • Get some much needed Vitamin D. Stop and smell the roses but don't get too close or a bee will have a battle with your nose and win! (Personal experience. Maybe... Okay no!)
  • When you feel the need to grab a pen, write utter BS. At the very least you'll have a good laugh and not beat yourself up about it not being your best work yet.
  • Get new imaginary friends who simply want to be friends and not have their stories told.
  • Sleep. You know you need it.
  • At least pretend to do the list of chores that have been piling up.
  • Seek divine intervention and finally come clean on who ate that last cookie. (No, it was not me that last time.)

Warning: This method may not work for anyone except me (and even that is still up for debate)!

As I've already stated, I am an over-thinker and  the more I dwell of this problem, the worse it gets, until I hear my brain cells start crying out from the fire I have lit under my brain (aka a migraine) and I can assure you the poor things already have enough stress keeping up with the weird randomness of my daily thoughts. While I know everyone says a true writer writes every day, I have taken a break and hope to come back with a fresh perspective and a bucket load of new ideas.

Onto better news.... I will have some news regarding Kiale Dream and Rebirth soon and a saw a rainbow yesterday.

'Til Next Time!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

A Little Bit Of Me...

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, April 26, 2012 0 comments
It's a sunny day (I have no idea why that is relevant information but there you have it).

I have been looking over  my blog and I've noticed a terrible, terrible trend, one that has to be stopped this instant. That is, if I don't over think the issue, decide its a bad idea thereby totally abandoning it and have a tasty snack instead. I know it may be hard to believe after that bit of info but I'm not flaky.

Okkkay, just a little bit.


Maybe more than a little bit.
(Why does this sound like a therapy session or a trip to my imaginary fairy godmother's house and an "acceptance is the first step" speech?)

Anyway... Back to the topic at hand- the terrible, terrible trend. I have been withholding ME from this blog, which I know a terrible, terrible crime and sort of defeats the purpose of having created this slice of cyberspace.

Let me explain.

I have a chronic illness called socially awkward girl/woman (I feel like I'm suck somewhere in between the two sometimes) syndrome (no good (?) disease is complete without that word). I'm that girl/woman who arrives at the party unfashionably early, does the equally offensive act of leaving just as early, drinks a soft drink the entire time (no, I'm not a goody-two-shoes, I simply can't stand alcohol), stands off to the side and feels mild panic at the thought of initiating a conversation with a stranger. Now I know some of you may be wondering, is she an alien? A mutant perhaps? Actually I'm not that put off at the thought of being a mutant, just as long as I'm not grossly disfigured with something like a third eye on my chin or eating human brains for breakfast (dinner, I might be cool with). I mean, who would not want some cool superpowers although the whole "with great power comes great responsibly" bit seems not all that fun. I'm scared of centipedes. How the heck would I face off with a super villain. That would only end one way and might I say humanity would be doomed.

And.... I'm rambling....

So the point I'm trying to get across is that I realized that I moved this pattern into my blogging and to a smaller extent into my writing as well (oh, the horror and that ain't a joke). I would not say that I'm (that) shy but the idea of being the center of attention leaves me with sweaty armpits and a stammer (you can't imagine the number of times I've imagined falling down on my face, literally and figuratively, while everyone is watching) and the idea of failure is nearly crippling. So I grown into not putting myself out there, therefore I am not judged and found wanting.

Well, its time to break these self-imposed shackles (oh, I like the image). Writing and being published has helped me take a step in the right direction but I want to build on that foundation and have decided to stop filtering my thoughts here on Nacomy's Romance Corner (what do you think of NRC for short? -I like it).

So until next time with more of Nacomy and not the soul-sucking, chocolate-stealing impostor who has been writing these posts!

Naughty Word of the Day

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, April 26, 2012 0 comments


Say it with me. Sa-Lay-Shus
Doesn't it sound decadent? And it isn't just false advertising, referring to two baser desire many of us (yes, myself included) find it hard to ignore. Hunger and Lust.

This naughty adjective means erotic, lusty, promoting sexual desire, need I go on?

Used in a sentence (wow, this suddenly feels like primary school!).
She licked the sauce off her finger in such a salacious matter, more than one brow beaded with sweat.

Look out for my next naughty sounding word.

'Til next time!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

I am Woman

Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 25, 2012 0 comments

Variety is the spice of life
Words galore describe
Fruity and shapely
The good and the bad
I am woman

Hair, long or short
Hips, wide or not
Breasts, big or small
Short or tall
Weight, a nonfactor
I am sexy personified
I am woman

I need no enhancement
Natural, now and forever
Not just comfortable in my own skin
Deliciously so
One to be desired,
I am woman

In the bedroom,
Off the charts
A certified freak between the sheets
I give of myself, deserving the same
At turns dominant or submissive
The epiphany of walking sex
   I am woman

Island Loving

Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 25, 2012 0 comments
The golden sun shines upon us
Showering blessings
No rush, no fuss

The sea so blue
Inhibitions untamed for you
Breaking waves
For your love, I, an insatiable slave

Tropical, crisp breeze
Your fingers, my senses they tease
The flutter of palm trees
To my very core, I am pleased

Upon a setting sun
No end to the fun
And as night falls
Lust, hot and pulsing, calls

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