Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hi all!!!

In this vast space called the internet I'm fairly sure no one knows who I am (for now) so I'll introduce myself. I'm Nacomy Blue (Hey, I know it's a little unusual but I swear it's my real name--the first one at least. Blue is my favorite color-- today anyway. It changes depending on my mood. LOL)

I am an aspiring Romantica writer and I would like to share my journey with you, the ups and downs. Hopefully, there are more ups than downs. I'll be sure to keep you posted on how it goes. I'll be done with my first book in a few weeks and then I hope to be a published author (fingers crossed, tightly).

I'm really excited about this, suffering from a mid-life crisis before the age of twenty, I think I've finally found my niche. I've always loved a good romance with a lil' edge and some good, hard loving--who doesn't, right? With so many steamy stories swimming around in my head, I decided to put them on paper--well, on the word processor (for some reason, writing on paper stops my creative process)-- and share them with the world. And the world had better like them or else... Kidding... Maybe...


I've been trying my hand at blogging for about six months now and kept running into "blogger's block"--Blogging For Dummies didn't work for me-- and finally decided to just blog about me--endless material there, right? I mean, who knows me better that...well, me?

So this is me.  Hope you like it and if you don't, that's okay too.

Questions and comments are always welcomed.


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