Tonight I was watching an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond
” and Raymond’ s daughter, Ally asked him to explain the meaning of life
to her. And he freaked. And his wife freaked. And his brother and parents freaked. They even called the local priest! And that’s the way most people react when they have that question posed to them.
But something really struck me. At some point in all the freaking, someone (can’t remember who) said that maybe God
does not want us to know the meaning of life but wants us to look for the answer anyway (or something to that effect, cant remember the exact wording). You think so?
Personally, I think we are all too caught up in trying to answer that question instead of living. If we were meant to know what life is all about, we would enter this world with an instruction manual and life would be easy-peasy. No? But where is the fun in that, huh?
And why would you want to know anyway? Wouldn’t knowing take away the mystery of a new day? Wouldn’t it take away the wonder of learning something new, trying something different? Wouldn’t it make us stop trying to be the best we can be?
I think if we knew the answer, we would stop appreciating the little things that matter. We would all lose our personal sense of purpose. We would…just stop. After all everything would have already come in a neat, bow-covered package. What would be left for us to do?
I think we will get to know all of the answers some day :)
In the mean time, we run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Lol
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