I'm a night owl. Some of the best things I writing, happen late at night. Something about a quiet house, everyone else asleep gets the creative juices flowing.
This is a poem very close to my heart.
It's call Imperfect Me
If you can relate, I would love to hear you story.
This loneliness eats at my soul
My chest is heavy with sadness
No matter what I do, I can’t shake it
This listlessness saps the energy from my body
Leaving me wanting
What exactly am I wanting????
Maybe one day I will figure it out
Until then, I want, I need, desperate; I crave that something just out of reach
I hear the ticking of the clock
Seconds, minutes, hours
My defeated shadow moves across the cold room that feels so much like a prison
The telephone, useless, no one’s calling
I have nothing
Nothing but this self-refection
All this pain I need to dig through to see that infamous light on the other side
Inside my still body, the tempest grows
It beats at the shores of my mind, leaving me drenched
The pain floods the weak boundaries
And I am unable to suppress it, unable to contain it
I spills over, battering my body, curled, tears streaming
The sobs assault my senses
, this necessary evil that sweeps every corner of my being
No matter how dark, no matter how isolated
Nothing is inaccessible
And finally
In the sparkling rays of the morning sun,
I rise, cleansed, a better me
I step forward, all the self-loathing, doubt and hesitation left behind
In its place, self-love and appreciation, confidence and self-acceptance
This is me, flaws and cracks, parts of all the things that make me unique, special, worth love
This is me, breathing in what peace of mind feels like
And I smile
my eyes are actually leaking as i read this. I have been an extremely outgoing person all my like and it is very easy for me to get lonely. when i am feeling lonely i am very depressed. i crave social interaction a lot. i have found out the hard way that loneliness can drive you to do some stupid things. loneliness is a being that can destroy your life. a definite foe than a friend.like you say in your poem, loneliness is like a prison. it seems that the imperfect are the lonely. As the Beatles would say, "....all the lonely people, where do they all come from?"
So true Jake. Most of my poetry comes from how I feel at the time and I posted this for anyone who feels like they need someone to talk. And if anyone feels this way, know that not every day will feel like this... :)
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