Friday, 30 March 2012

Things I Love About My Home: The Fruits

Posted by Unknown at Friday, March 30, 2012
This is the St. Lucian flag. For information on the flag click here.
By my home I mean my place of birth, St. Lucia.There's no place like home and mine is "Simply Beautiful". I know this is said alot but there is no other place in the world I'd rather be that here. The surf, the sun, the people, they all make this little slice of paradise the gem that it is and I want to share that with you guys.

Therefore, I have started this series to share my home with you. Today we start with fruits.The examples below are only a few produced by our rich, volcanic soil.

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The Fruits

Refreshing Coconuts. In the green state, the water is a great drink on a hot day and the "jelly", a wonderful snack. The older version of the fruit, seen below, has a delicious milk which is used to make coconut oil and tasty meals. The grated inner fruit is used in deserts like eg. cakes.

Juicy Mangoes. Ripe or green, these are delicious. Green, they make great juice beverage. I love to sprinkle a little salt on the half ripe product.
Succulent Golden Apples. These make the most delicious jams and juices. I love to eat the raw fruit as well.
Above is what we call plums. There are two versions to this, the red and yellow. They make great jams and are delicious eaten raw.

This is Soursop. The white flesh can be used to make ice-creams and yummy juices.
These are called ackees. Ah, I love, love, love these. I have no idea if you can make a juice out of these but they are perfect the way they are.
Banana. The green fruit is used to make salads, in soups and "one pots". Ripe, it can be eaten raw but can be used to make cakes, shakes, pudding, etc.
Breadfruit. The raw product does not taste very good but boiled, fried or roasted, this is great.
Star Fruit. I don't like the raw version of this fruit very much but the juice is wonderful.
Paw Paw. Very nutritious, all you have to do is scoop the seeds out of the center to enjoy the tangy, sweet flavor of this fruit.
Guavas. These make great juices, jams and jellies.
Passion Fruit. Eating this in its raw form can be tedious with all the tiny seeds but the juice is great.
These are sugar apples. They have a sweet, milky taste.
Wax Apple. They have a nice light sweet flavor and are great in vinaigrette salads.
Cocoa. The seeds are used to make chocolate.


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