Thursday, 10 November 2011

Just One of Those Dayz!!!

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, November 10, 2011 0 comments
Hi all,

You ever feel like you just can't get anything done (the right way, anyway)? Or every single thing and one is getting on your last nerve? Or have a punching bag would come in mighty fine just then? Or feel like your head is about to explode?

Well, today is one of those days for me. Yay, aren't I lucky..... Writing is out of the question as of this moment....


So, it's still early in the day so imma try to get rid of this dark cloud hanging over me. Or maybe I should just invest in a good punching bag? Either way, let's see how this day goes.

Hope you're having a better day that I am!!! See ya....

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Chaos That Inhabits My Mind

Posted by Unknown at Tuesday, November 08, 2011 0 comments
Hi all,

If you read my previous post, you would have noticed that I said that I had Lee's story all mapped out for Kiale Touch. Well, I lied!!! There I said it and you know what? I don't accept your judgement of me.


Okay enough with the theatrics. I lied about lying. I did have everything all mapped out but now that I've started typing, it doesn't seem to flow like I want it to. Dammit!

*Deep breath. Trying not to hurt anyone*

Lolz. Well, I'm certainly feeling dramatic tonight.

But on a serious note. It is frustrating but what can you do? Guess, it's back to the story board for me.

Bye for now.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

The Confusion that is Life

Posted by Unknown at Sunday, November 06, 2011 0 comments

An innocent baby is born
With no knowledge of this cruel world
But she learns
She learns from a tender age
That, things do not come in easy packages
Food, education, clean water


She is strong
She learns to depend on herself
To take the heartache and forgive
That courage is not without fear
But fear conquered
That tears are not a weakness
But a cleansing of the soul
That success is not based on the salary you earn
But the appreciation that failure leads to knowledge
That strength is not sitting on the throne all alone
But knowing when to reach out a helping hand

This baby learns
She grows and matures
And realizes that in this chaos,
All that is left is choice,
The choice to live for material possession, fame, recognition and all the unimportant things we are now taught to crave


The choice to live for self-discovery and self-acceptance
To appreciate family, friends and even strangers
To bask in nature’s treasures
To realize in times of pain
That there is someone worse off

Who knows what she will choose
What anyone will choose
The one thing that is sure
Is that life is a journey of many roads
Some are smooth, others bumpy
Some carefree, others filled with worry
Some lead us to the things we want
Others lead us to the things we need
No matter where these roads take us
Know that life is never easy
However, the following tools are always a soothing balm

Strength of character
Sense of integrity and honor
Compassion for your neighbor
And most importantly
Love for one another.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Lost Love

Posted by Unknown at Saturday, November 05, 2011 1 comments

You say you love me
Do you really?
Actions speak louder than words
Yours say you don’t.

You claim to need me
If I were gone, would you miss me?
My company seems more of an annoyance
Is my character that much of a nuisance?

“I want you,” you say
Why do I not feel desire in your touch?
A lonely bed is my only companion,
Cold and unaffectionate.

Your eyes used to light up at the sight of me
Your body ready and responsive.
Now dead eyes greet me
As your body turns away.
Our conversations used to bring laughter to this cold apartment
Now there are only words left unsaid.

We used to love
We used to share.
Now passion is a distant memory
Will we ever again be as we were?
Only time will tell.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Who The Hell Are The Kiale?!?

Posted by Unknown at Friday, November 04, 2011 0 comments
Hey, what’s with the attitude?
Just Kidding.

Hi everyone.

As promised this is a brief description on what the Kiale Sons series is all about. In a nut shell, they’re sexy angel look alike aliens with a penchant for blood. I know you’re like “what the hell?” but it’s true. 

They are Ralden, the oldest and father figure of the group, Lee-vai, the flirty, playful one and Micaiel, the serious-mind one. They all have different supernatural powers, love to tease each other and look for different things in a woman. They have one thing in common though. They’re all smokin’ hotttt and fall for a special earth woman. Sorry, that’s two things.

First up in the series is Ralden who falls for a dream walker, Zoey. You do not want to mess with her. She will seriously kick your ass, big bad alien or not. Or at least try. A self-proclaimed geek, Zoey could not care less for social conventions and Ralden is the only one who can penetrate her emotional barriers. This book is funny, heart-warming and filled with a healthy dose of mind-numbing sex.

Although, I have finished editing, I still have to iron out a few details.

Lee-vai, fondly called Lee, is next in the lineup with his heroine, Alaine. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

I'm Still Alive

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, November 03, 2011 0 comments
Hi All,
I'm sorry it's been so long but I have soooo much going on that I have been swamped. Absolute, positively swamped. *sigh*

But I'm backkkkk! and promise more regular post. Pinky swear.

If you're a regular, you may have noticed a few changes to the site and I'm pleased with them. I do so hope that you are too (and that was not sarcasm:)).

I have been talking about my store, N.B. Creations and that's part of the reason for my absence. It's been a lot of work (more than I anticipated) but its moving along and should be open by January (fingers crossed). I'll keep you updated and provided a few samples in the future.

I have finished editing Ralden's Story and and it has been baptized Kiale Dream (ah ha ha ha haaaa (in case you didn't know that was an angel chorus)) previously Ralden's Dream. I am currently working on Lee-vai's story thus named Kiale Touch (tentatively). My next blog post will explain the series and the completed Kiale Dream.

Umm... Did I leave out anything? Don't think so...

That's all for now folks!!

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