Thursday, 3 November 2011

I'm Still Alive

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, November 03, 2011
Hi All,
I'm sorry it's been so long but I have soooo much going on that I have been swamped. Absolute, positively swamped. *sigh*

But I'm backkkkk! and promise more regular post. Pinky swear.

If you're a regular, you may have noticed a few changes to the site and I'm pleased with them. I do so hope that you are too (and that was not sarcasm:)).

I have been talking about my store, N.B. Creations and that's part of the reason for my absence. It's been a lot of work (more than I anticipated) but its moving along and should be open by January (fingers crossed). I'll keep you updated and provided a few samples in the future.

I have finished editing Ralden's Story and and it has been baptized Kiale Dream (ah ha ha ha haaaa (in case you didn't know that was an angel chorus)) previously Ralden's Dream. I am currently working on Lee-vai's story thus named Kiale Touch (tentatively). My next blog post will explain the series and the completed Kiale Dream.

Umm... Did I leave out anything? Don't think so...

That's all for now folks!!


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