Thursday, 27 October 2011

Help Me!!!!

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, October 27, 2011
This is a poem for the not-so-good days.

What am I feeling?
I don’t know
Everything is a jumbled mess of thoughts and feelings
Who do I turn to??
There is this hole
It feels like it’s swallowing me from the inside out like some black hole floating through space, devouring everything in its path
Every day it gets larger and larger
Consuming more and more
Creating all these negative reflections and emotions
How do I deal with this??
Sometimes it’s too much to fight and I wallow in my sadness and feel crushed by the weight of this emptiness
“Help me!!!”
I scream silently but no one knows
No one hears
Does anyone care??
“Help me!!!”

Hope you enjoy!!!
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jake said...

i love this one it is so true. when i read this i can actually feel the stress and pressure that you must have been feeling. that is, at lesst what i take from it.

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