Thursday, 10 May 2012

Marriage Thoughts

Posted by Unknown at Thursday, May 10, 2012
Odd thought of the day: Its been raining for more than a week here is sunny Saint Lucia. I think the clouds did not get the memo stating that its the dry season.

My thoughts on marriage? I think marriage has lost a  lot of its meaning. I know a lot of persons from "back in the day" who are still together to this day, some not even legalizing their union while persons straight out of secondary school are rushing to jump on the marriage train. Why? The fact that you think you're in love cannot be the reason for rushing into such an important decision. If you truly believe that what you and your special someone have will last until the end of time, what does one more day, one more year, ten more years matter? If your love is so great why does it need to be justified by a piece of paper and a church full of people who probably could not care less? Instead of jumping into a premature marriage, why not spend that time getting to know each other better? I think a lot of divorces could be avoided this way especially since most marriage begin with the looming debt of financing the wedding and result in the one of the most common issues in new marriages; money.

I'm not trying to sound preachy or self-righteous. If you feel inclined to get married after only a day after meeting or ten years after that first meeting, that's a personal decision that I have no desire to infringe upon. I'm just trying to understand the rush.

Do I support gay marriage? Honesty, I don't really care if homosexual partners choose to marry but if a nation is founded on Catholic beliefs, I can understand why a society will be reluctant to allow such a union to be legalized. Don't get me wrong, love is a beauty thing and if someone finds that with someone of the same sex or an inanimate object, a food item, whatever, there's no reason why you should not enjoy each other and if it truly is lasting love, a ring such not have that much significance. If it means that much to you, buy that ring, have your own ceremony and give those who don't support you the mentally finger.

I am well aware that some person will be against my opinion and that is perfectly fine. If we all thought the same, it would be a very dull society to live in.

'Til next time!


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